International partners
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg) is a multi-campus institution of higher education in the state of Baden- Württemberg, Germany. It offers dual degree (or cooperative education) programmes for bachelor's degrees in collaboration with industry and non-profit institutions in business administration, engineering, and social services. Currently, DHBW offers 21 courses of study with approximately 90 branches from the sections of Economic Sciences, Engineering and Social sciences.
Novi Sad University is a Serbian university in Novi Sad, the second largest in the country. Novi Sad University offers 350 accredited study programmes at bachelor's, master's, specialist and doctoral levels at its faculties and at the University Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research. The curricula are up-to-date and in line with the latest developments in science and research. In addition to the faculties and the centre, the three scientific institutes play an important role in creating a solid scientific basis for the process of continuous modernisation of the educational offer.
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Science (Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf) — The University of Applied Sciences is divided into two faculties Weihenstephan and Triesdorf, which comprise a total of seven faculties. The range of courses consists of 19 bachelor's courses, 13 dual courses and 12 master's courses. The range of subjects creates a self- sufficient vocational cluster relating to essential areas of human life. It starts with the production of agricultural raw materials, includes the processing of animal products, covers current issues of nutrition and supply, takes into account environmental requirements and extends to rural and urban development.
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest higher education institutions in Austria. It has about 4,600 students and about 651 staff members. The main campus is located in Graz and there are two additional locations in Kapfenberg and Bad Gleichenberg. All three are located in the province of Styria in Austria. FH JOANNEUM offers almost 70 degree programmes in various fields, facilities, architecture, healthcare and social services. The programmes are practice-oriented, project- based and interdisciplinary.
Festo is a manufacturer of industrial equipment and automation systems based in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany. The company's core business areas are pneumatic automation and automation. Products range from simple kits and assemblers to fully automated solutions incorporating both Festo and third-party equipment. The company's mission is to develop specialised production equipment. Festo works together with institutes, universities and development companies in the Bionic Learning Network programme.
The Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg (Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg) is a training and consultancy organisation specialising in green technology and digitalisation. To this end, the GreenIMLead concept was developed for integrated management and leadership in the field of green technology. Together with partners around the world, “green” projects are being developed and competence centres for “green” technologies and digitalisation are being established. The focus regions are Africa, India, South America, as well as Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin is an agrarian higher educational institution located in the city of Omsk. Omsk State Agrarian University has formed and develops 28 scientific schools and directions. Up to 15% of the total number of students are foreign students, mainly citizens of Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. The University has the opportunity to accept students from far abroad, but has not yet developed educational programmes in a foreign language. Since 2020, the university has a fully functional English version of the website.
International Telecommunication Union (International Telecommunication Union) is an international organisation that defines recommendations in the field of telecommunications and radio and regulates the international use of radio frequencies (allocation of radio frequencies by destination and by country). Founded as the International Telegraph Union in 1865, it has been a specialised agency of the United Nations since 1947. ITU includes 193 countries and more than 700 members by sectors and associations (scientific and industrial enterprises, public and private telecommunications operators, broadcasting companies, regional and international organisations).
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after A.S.Popov is an academy focused on training specialists in the field of communications and telecommunications, located in the city of Odessa. The educational process is provided by 28 departments, where 300 lecturers work, including 13 academicians and corresponding members of international academies, 17 academicians and corresponding members of industry-specific academies, 44 professors, doctors of Sciences, 190 associate professors, candidates of Sciences, 4 honoured workers of the Higher School of Ukraine, 6 laureates of the State Prize, 3 honoured workers of science and technology of Ukraine.
Armenian National Agrarian University is the only higher education institution in the republic that trains personnel for the agro-industrial sphere. Having gone a long and fruitful way in the field of science and education, the University is proud of its graduates, who make their contribution to the development of the republic. The issues of transformation and development of educational process, scientific and research works, terms and quality of their implementation are constantly in the focus of attention of the university management. The combination of long-term traditions and innovation allowed us to achieve obvious success and make the university one of the leading universities of the republic.
University of Applied Sciences for SMEs (FHM) Bielefeld (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM)/Bielefeld) — FHM prepares its students for professional and managerial careers in Germany and abroad through applied learning. At the same time, FHM is considered to be an applied and research university focused on the regional and international level. The university's special concern is to promote independent, entrepreneurial and global thinking and action.
The University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria is an academic institution focused on the needs of our time. The university community goes beyond the university and the country and includes academic partners from different continents. The mission of the University is to train highly qualified specialists with higher education in all fields of chemical technology and metallurgy, biotechnology, ecology, information technology and management, as well as to develop fundamental and applied research in traditional areas of natural science and chemical technology.
The international public organization "International Academy of Agrarian Education" (IAAO) is a voluntary public association created to promote the development of the science of agricultural education, improve the quality of training, retraining and use of scientific and pedagogical personnel, young scientists and specialists with agricultural education, the development of fundamental and priority applied research in the agro-industrial complex.
Ural State University of Economics is one of the leading economic universities in Russia. This is a powerful, modern, dynamically developing scientific and educational centre, where the economic elite of the Urals and other regions of the Russian Federation,and the CIS countries are trained. The University includes six institutes: the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Finance and Law, the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, the Institute of Management and Information Technologies, the Institute of Correspondence and Part-time Studies, and the Institute of Master's Studies.
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University is the leading educational, scientific and innovative center of the Republic of Belarus. The University has 8 faculties, 42 departments and their 42 branches. Institute of Advanced Training, Research Institute of Mechanisation and Electrification (RIMEA BSATU), publishing and printing centre, training centre for new technologies. There is a library with a fund of more than 500 thousand educational publications. The University offers 12 specialities of higher education of the first level and 6 specialities of the second level of higher education. There are 5 educational and laboratory buildings in Minsk, 3 educational and laboratory buildings in Borovlyany.
Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics — BAFE was established in 1994 as a private commercial institute of higher education and is governed by the Board of Founders. BAFE is a pilot university of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for the implementation of reforms in the higher education system. The BAFE has extensive partnerships with government agencies, employers, public organisations, as well as with universities in Europe, Asia and the USA and is one of the first universities to sign the The Great Charter of Universities (Magna Charta Universitatum).
Kyrgyz State Academy of Law — The Academy was established by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the establishment of the Kyrgyz State Academy of Law " dated August 12, 2003. Over the years, the Academy has developed into a specialised scientific and educational centre that successfully provides full-time, correspondence and distance learning for students and actively conducts scientific research on current problems of jurisprudence and other branches of knowledge. The Academy is also an innovative educational complex.
Issyk-Kul State University named after Kasym Tynystanov — On December 18, 1992, in the year of independence of Kyrgyzstan, the higher educational institution was transformed into a university and was named in honor of the talented linguist of the Kyrgyz people Kasym Tynystanov. The academic teaching staff of the university trains qualified specialists for all sectors of the national economy.
Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Constructionis one of the largest universities in Turkmenistan, as well as the leading institute in the country in the field of mechanical engineering and energy.
International University of Oil and Gas, (Turkmenistan is a university located in Ashgabat, the main university of the oil and gas community of Turkmenistan. It was founded on May 25, 2012 as the Turkmen State Institute of Oil and Gas. On August 10, 2013, the university became an international university.
Turkmen State Energy Institute is an institution of higher professional education of Turkmenistan, located in the city of Mary. The Institute was established in 1997 on the basis of the Higher Technical College. The structure of the Institute includes two faculties — energy and industrial technology. Training is being conducted in 8 specialties.
Stavropol State Agrarian University — is a leading university of Russian Ministry of Agriculture. It has been training highly qualified specialists for the agro-industrial complex and related industries since 1930. Stavropol State Agrarian University represents high standards of higher education, powerful scientific-innovative and material-technical base, practice-oriented approach, modern educational technologies and popular scientific-innovative projects. Stavropol SAU has been a participant in the main federal programmes in higher and secondary vocational education: "Priority 2030" and "Professionalism" since 2021. The University is a three-time winner of the Russian Government's Quality Award, as well as the country's only three-time winner of the European EFQM "Excellence Award".
- Specialties
- - Computer technology and software
- - Standardization and Certification (by industry)
- - Technology of processing industries
- - Thermal Engineering
- - Automation and control
- - Mechanical engineering
- - Transport, transport equipment and technology
- - Electric Power Engineering
- - Logistics (by industry)
- - Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation
- - Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- - Robotic systems
- - Agronomy
- - Management
- - Accounting and Auditing
- - Finance
- - Economics