Версия для слабовидящих

MN - FR 9:00 -18:00

Center of recruiting + 7 (7142) 28-02-60

Rector's office + 7 (7142) 28-01-59



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There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/03.12.24

Applicant's calendar

Bachelor's degree

Acceptance of applications for participation in the unified national testing (January) for admission to the paid department December 20 – January 6
Conducting a unified national testing (January) January 16 – February 10
Acceptance of applications for participation in the unified national testing (basic) for participation in the grant competition and/or admission to the paid department February 20 – March 10
Conducting unified national testing (basic) March 1 – March 31
Acceptance of applications for participation in the Unified National Testing (basic) for participation in the grant competition and/or admission to the paid department April 28 - May 14
Unified National Testing (main) May 16 - July 5
Results of the grant competition until August 10th
Acceptance of applications or participation in the August UNT (for applicants on a paid basis) July 20 - July 30
Conducting the August UNT August 10 - August 20
Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for awarding grants from the public fund Kazakhstan Khalkyna August 10 - August 17
Enrollment in the composition students August 10 - August 25

Master's degree

Acceptance of applications for participation in complex testing (summer reception) June 1 - July 15
Conducting comprehensive testing (summer reception) July 20 - August 10
Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for the award of a state educational grant at the expense of the republican budget (summer reception) until August 15th
Results of the grant competition (summer reception) until August 20th
Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for the award of state educational grants at the expense of the local budget August 20 - August 25
Enrollment in the composition of undergraduates (summer reception) August 25 - August 28
Acceptance of applications for participation in complex testing (winter reception) October 25 – November 10
Conducting comprehensive testing (winter reception) November 19 – December 10
Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for the award of a state educational grant at the expense of the republican budget until December 15th
Results of the grant competition (winter reception) until December 25th
Enrollment in the composition of undergraduates (winter reception) December 26 – January 10

Student reviews

Mashanova Ayim | Department of Transport and Service
Mashanova Ayim Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur | Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine | Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine Department of Transport and Service
Bolat Zhalgas | Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Bolat Zhalgas Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Masko Victoria | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Masko Victoria Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Nabieva Madinabonu| Department of Standardization and Food Technology
Nabieva Madinabonu Department of Standardization and Food Technology