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MN - FR 9:00 -18:00

Center of recruiting + 7 (7142) 28-02-60

Rector's office + 7 (7142) 28-01-59



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Accreditation of educational organizations is a procedure of recognition by the accreditation body of conformity of educational services to the established standards (regulations) of accreditation in order to provide objective information about their quality and to confirm the availability of effective mechanisms for its improvement.

All over the world, accreditation of a higher education institution affects not only the image of the university, but also the demand for graduates, marking the quality of an accredited higher education institution.

KEnEU named after M. Dulatov cooperates with such international accreditation agencies as IARA, ACQUIN.

In December 2015, by the decision of the Accreditation Council of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IARA), the university received institutional accreditation for a period of 3 years.

The following specialties are accredited for three years: "Transport, Transport Engineering and Technology", "Standardization, Metrology, Certification", "Agrarian Engineering and Technology", "Automation and Management", "Computer Science and Software" and "Agronomy".

For two specialties - "Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport" and "Mechanical Engineering" - the university received accreditation for 5 years.

On January 25th, 2019 at the meeting of the Accreditation Council of the IARA the following decision was  made concerning Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov:

  • On international institutional reaccreditation of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University namedafter M. Dulatov for a period of 5 years
  • On international specialized reaccreditation of Educational Programs: "Transport, TransportEngineering and Technology", "Agrarian Engineering and Technology", "Automation and Management", "Computer Science and Software" and "Agronomy", "Standardization and Certification (by branches)" for a period of 5 years
  • On international specialized accreditation of educational programs: "Logistics (by branches)","Technology of processing industries (by branches)", "Heat Power Engineering" for a period of 3 years

On June 10, 2022, the Accreditation Council of the IARA met and decided to issue certificates of accreditation for the following educational programs:

No. AB 4370 - Heat and Power, for a period of 5 years, 

No. AB 4371 - Electric Power Engineering, for a period of 5 years,

No. AB 4372 - Technology of Processing Industries (by branches), for a period of 5 years, No. AB 4373 - Standardization and Certification (by branches), for a period of 3 years, No. AB 4374 - Logistics (by branch), for a period of 3 year

No. AB 4375 - Robotics systems, for a period of 5 years.




Student reviews

Mashanova Ayim | Department of Transport and Service
Mashanova Ayim Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur | Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine | Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine Department of Transport and Service
Bolat Zhalgas | Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Bolat Zhalgas Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Masko Victoria | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Masko Victoria Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Nabieva Madinabonu| Department of Standardization and Food Technology
Nabieva Madinabonu Department of Standardization and Food Technology