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- 2020-2023 doctoral studies in EP “Informatics”, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov.

- 2011-2013 master’s degree in EP “Information Systems”, West Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanities University.

- 2002-2006 bachelor’s degree in EP “Information Systems”, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.

Academic work experience

- 2019-t.m. senior lecturer of the department, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after. M. Dulatova.

- 2017-2018 Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Aktobe Road College,

- 2010-2017 senior lecturer of the department, Kazakh-Russian International University.

- 2006-2008 assistant teacher of the department, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Technologies.

Non-academic work experience

- 2008-2010 State Institution “Department of Social Protection of the Akimat of the Altynsarinsky District” p. Obagan Kostanay region

Disciplines taught

  • Python programming technology
  • Java - technology
  • VR and AR Basics
  • Information Security Basics
  • Organization of computer systems and networks
  • Internet technologies

Awards and achievements

- 2023 awarded a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for significant contributions to the development of education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- 2022 awarded a diploma for high professionalism, exemplary performance of her duties and significant contribution to the development of the university.

- 2021 awarded a “Certificate of Honor” from the regional akim, a Certificate of Honor for significant contribution to the development of the field of digitalization.

Internships and academic mobility

- 2022 internship “Creating applications for interaction with 3D modeling in VR”, organized jointly by ENU named after. L.N. Gumilyov and KazAeroSpace LLP.

- 2022 internship in the direction of “Traditional Scientific Research”, Bratislava University of Economics, Slovak Republic.

- 2022 completion of 72-hour training “In distance learning mode using information and communication technologies.”

- 2021 internship in the program “Calculations and data processing in an electronic account” of the International Academy of Agricultural Education IJSC Certificate of advanced training, 06/09/21 – 06/18/21, 72 hours, Moscow, No. 000047.

List of scientific works

  1. Uderbaeva N. Review of the effectiveness of new information technologies in the era of global digital technologies. II International conference «Sustainable and innovative development in the global digital age» (Издательство Dela Press Publishing House (Республика Ирландия)), 19 мая 2022 г.
  2. УдербаеваН.К. Цифрлық сауаттылық оқытуда виртуалды және толықтырылған шындықты қолдану негіздері. Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің Хабаршысы.- 2022. - 1(138). - Б.473-485
  3. УдербаеваН.К. История развития дополненной и виртуальной реальности» М. Дулатов атындағы Қостанай инженерлік – экономикалық университетінің Халықаралық студенттік ғылыми – тәжірибелік конференциясы, тақырыбы: «Өндіріс пен ғылымның өзекті мәселелері» Қостанай қаласы, 30.04.2021 ж.
  4. Удербаева Н.К. Практическое применение дополненной реальности в школах. М.Дулатов атындағы Қостанай инженерлік – экономикалық университетінің 12 Халықаралық ғылыми – практикалық  конференциясы, тақырыбы: «Еуропалық одақтың Қазақстандағы және Орталық Азиядағы агробизнесті басқару тәжірибесінің трансформациясы», желтоқсан 2020 ж.
  5. Uderbaeva N. Theoretical and practical foundations of the use of augmented and virtual reality in teaching computer science in primary schools. Journal of knowledge society /international scientific journal. ISSN 2336-2561 Časopis znalostní společnosti. mezinárodní vědecký časopis, Strana 19Číslo 2/2020, Roč.7.
  6. Uderbaeva N. The use of modern digital technologies in education. Trends and Innovations in E-business, Education, and Security Tenth International Scientific Web-conference of Scientists and Ph.D. students or candidates/ Editors: Schmidt Peter - Rajnai Zoltán - Jurík Pavol. Publisher: The Slovak Society for Economic Informatics ISSN: 2729-8493 Date: November 18, 2022.


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Student reviews

Mashanova Ayim | Department of Transport and Service
Mashanova Ayim Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur | Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine | Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine Department of Transport and Service
Bolat Zhalgas | Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Bolat Zhalgas Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Masko Victoria | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Masko Victoria Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Nabieva Madinabonu| Department of Standardization and Food Technology
Nabieva Madinabonu Department of Standardization and Food Technology