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- 1997- 2008 – GUSSH No. 115 of the education department of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay (student)

- 2006-2008 – GUSSH No. 28 with VET of the education department of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay (Training in the profile “Head of a shipbuilding circle”)

- 2008 – 2012 – Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov (05071200 – Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor)

- 2014-2016 – scientific and pedagogical master’s degree, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov (6M050600 – Economics, Master of Economic Sciences)

- 2016-2018 – specialized master’s degree, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov (6M072400-Technological machines and equipment (in the direction of Innovative production and automation of industrial equipment), master of engineering and technology)

Academic work experience

- 2009-2012 – educational master of the Department of Transport and Service at KINEU

- 2013-2016 – head of laboratories of the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering at KINEU

- 2016 – senior lecturer at the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering at KINEU

Non-academic work experience

- May – September 2009 – mechanic of MSD KF JSC "AgromashHolding"

- May – September 2010 – mechanic of MSD KF JSC "AgromashHolding"

- May – September 2011 – mechanic of MSD KF JSC "AgromashHolding"

Disciplines taught

Metalworking machines

Cutting theory

Design and production of blanks

Machine graphics

Computer graphics

Technological processes of mechanical engineering production

Awards and achievements

- Diploma “2nd place”. International project “TOM:Kazakhstan”. June 16-18, 2017, PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar

- Algys hut No. AA-869. KAZAKHSTAN REPUBLICS BILIM ZhӘNE GYLYM MINISTRY. REPUBLICAL KOSYMSHA BILIM BERU OҚUӨORTALYҒY. 2017 complaints 12-13 mausym. (Letter of thanks. Chief judge of the republican competitions in ship modeling)

- Letter of gratitude from the Department of Agriculture of the Akimat of Kostanay region. December 14, 2016

- Certificate of participation in the final event “Umnik”. Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere in the Sverdlovsk Region. 2016 Ekaterinburg.

- Letter of gratitude from the Rector of M.Dulatov KInEU. For the successful preparation of students. 2016. Kostanay

- Certificate for success in organizing and improving the educational process. 2015 Kostanay

- Certificate for active participation in the life of the university. 2012. Kostanay.

- Letter of commendation addressed to the Rector of KInEU from Dormash LLP

Internships and academic mobility

72-hour advanced training course on the topic “Design and construction using CAD” 08/12/2019-08/23/2019, certificate dated 08/23/2019

72-hour advanced training course on the topic “Calculation and design of metal structures” 04/08/2019-04/19/2019, certificate dated 04/19/2019

72-hour advanced training course on the topic “Modern metal cutting technologies” 01/09/2019-01/22/2019, certificate dated 01/22/2019

List of scientific works

1 Published an article on the topic “Preventing wires of overhead power lines from vibrations” Materials of the All-Russian student scientific conference “Student science - sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex” March 17-20, 2015 - Izhevsk: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2015.- P.184-187

2 Published an article on the topic “Research on automation of welding work in agriculture” Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Improving the engineering and technical support of technological processes in the agro-industrial complex” / resp. ed. Yu.A. Ushakov. – Orenburg: OSAU Publishing Center, 2015 – P.289-292

3 Published an article on the topic “Automation and mechanization of welding production” Materials of the I All-Russian student scientific and practical conference “Youth and science: reality and future” Collection of scientific papers / Ed. Doctor of Economics, Professor Pavlyuchenko E.I. – Makhachkala: FSBEI HE “DSTU”, 2015. - P.8-11

4 An article was published on the topic “Design using CAD” Collection of materials from the All-Russian youth school seminar “Current problems of information technology, electronics and radio engineering - 2015” (ITER -2015). Volume 1. - Taganrog: Publishing house of the Scientific and Research Center ZIS KT of the Southern Federal University, 2015. - P.361-366

5 An article was published on the topic “Possibilities for the development of robotics using electronic platforms ARDUINO in institutions of additional education” Collection of materials of the All-Russian youth school seminar “Current problems of information technologies, electronics and radio engineering - 2015” (ITER -2015). Volume 1. – Taganrog: Publishing House of the Scientific and Research Center ZIS KT of the Southern Federal University, 2015. – P.209-213

6 An article was published on the topic “Reducing the cost of mechanical engineering products through the introduction of automated processes of welding operations” Materials of the International Scientific and Practical

conference “The Role of Transport Science and Education in the Implementation of Five Institutional Reforms” dedicated to the Nation’s Plan “100 Concrete Steps” April 27, 28, 2016 / ISBN 9786012079289 / Ed. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kangozhin B.R. Almaty: Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after. M. Tynyshpayeva, 2016. P. 198-200

7 Published an article on the topic “The use of modern platforms in the development of robotics through the educational environment” Materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Improving the engineering and technical support of technological processes in the agro-industrial complex” held on February 5-6, 2016 / ISBN 978-5-88838-981 -2 / Orenburg: OSAU Publishing Center, 2017. – P.305-307

8 An article has been published on the topic “Design and design analysis of the manufacture of a hoist body using CAD” Materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Sociocultural and economic problems of modernization of modern society - through the eyes of the young”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. / Kostanay, KInEU, magazine “SCIENCE” No. 2 June 2016, pp. 180-183

9 An article was published on the topic “Reducing the cost of manufactured products by automating welding operations” Materials of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Innovation - Strategic Priorities for the Development of the State Economy” - “Dulatov Readings-2015” - Special issue “Economics and Management”. - Kostanay, 2016.- pp. 102-105

10 An article has been published on the topic “Efficiency of operation of vehicles equipped with gas cylinder equipment” Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference “Modernization of the economy and society - increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan and achieving the goals of “Strategy 2050” / ISBN 978-601-06-4679-7 / Kostanay: OF “ Kostanay aymagynyn ziyaly azamattar kogamy", 2017. – P.149-151

11 Published an article on the topic “Development of injection systems for gas-cylinder vehicles” Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Modernization of the economy and society - increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan and achieving the goals of “Strategy 2050” / ISBN 978-601-06-4679-7 / Kostanay: PF “Kostanay” aimagynyn ziyaly azamattar kogamy", 2017. – P.148-149

12 An article has been published on the topic “On the issue of training personnel in the engineering industry within the framework of five initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference “Spiritual modernization as a key factor in the development of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution: Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference” / Ed. board: Baymenova Z.A., Koldybaev S.A. and others - Kostanay: IP "Kapysh S.E", 2018. - 361 p.

13 An article has been published on the topic “Problems and ways of development of agricultural engineering in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Magazine “Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals” No. 09 (176), September 2018, the magazine is included in the International Scientific Database AGRI. Certificate of registration: PI No. 77-12831 dated May 31, 2002, Signed for printing: 09.10.2018 – 90 p.

14 Published an article on the topic “Increasing the efficiency of manufacturing parts in an enterprise” Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Look into the Future - as a Way to Modernize Public Consciousness”, “Dulatov Readings - 2018” - Kostanay, 2018, 233 p.

15 An article has been published on the topic “Increasing the productivity of resistance spot welding through the use of welding robots” Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific View of the Future - as a Way to Modernize Social Consciousness”, “Dulatov Readings - 2018” - Kostanay, 2018, 233 p.

16 An article has been published on the topic “Research of the technology of manufacturing parts using the 3D printing method in the conditions of LLP “Innovation Center KInEU” Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 1 March 2019, Registered in the International Center for registration of serial publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 - Kostanay, 2019, 106 p.

17 Published an article on the topic “Main directions for improving restoration processes and increasing the durability of bearings”

   Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 1 March 2020, Registered with the International Center for Registration of Serials ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 – Kostanay, 2020, 211 p.

18 Published an article on the topic “Application of composite coatings using the electrochemical deposition method on the surfaces of machine parts”

   Multidisciplinary scientific and production magazine of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 1 March 2020, Registered with the International Center for Registration of Serials

ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 – Kostanay, 2020, 211 p.

19 An article has been published on the topic “Individual approach to students with intellectual disabilities in the learning process” “Current issues of science and production”: Materials of the student international scientific and practical conference - Kostanay, 2020, 339 p. ISBN 978-601-7396-35-0

20 An article has been published on the topic “Active learning and direct learning of the conceptualization of teaching” Collection of reports “Innova - 2021”: Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov: in Kazakh/Russian. 2021-303 pp.

21 An article has been published on the topic “Comparative analysis of traditional and online learning in the training of labor and technical teachers

creativity" Collection of reports "Innova - 2021": Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov: in Kazakh/Russian. 2021-303 pp.

22 An article has been published on the topic “Use of teaching methods when working with students with special needs” Collection of reports “Innova - 2021”: Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov: in Kazakh/Russian. 2021-303 pp.

23 An article has been published on the topic “Development of scientific and technical creativity of students in secondary school” Collection of reports “Innova - 2021”: Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov: in Kazakh/Russian. 2021-303 pp.

24 An article has been published on the topic “Development of scientific and technical creativity of students in secondary school” Collection of reports “Innova - 2021”: Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov: in Kazakh/Russian. 2021-303 pp.

25 An article has been published on the topic “Prospects for the development of welding production by automating the welding process” Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference - “Development of new technologies in traditional and alternative energy and prospects for economic development”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Dulatov Readings – 2021”, Part 1, 220 p. ISBN 978-601-7396-35-0

26 Published an article on the topic “Modeling processes using experimental design” Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 1 March 2021, Registered with the International Center for Registration of Serials ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 – Kostanay, 2021, 132 p.

27 Published an article on the topic “Automation of measurement processes and product quality control” Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 1 March 2021, Registered with the International Center for Registration of Serials ISSN (UNESCO, Paris , France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 – Kostanay, 2021, 132 p.

28 Published an article on the topic “Automation and mechanization of technological processes of welding production” Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov No. 3 September 2021, Registered with the International Center for Registration of Serial Publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris , France) Assigned international code ISSN 1684-9310, impact factor 0.007 – Kostanay, 2021, 120 p.

29 An article has been published on the topic “Increasing efficiency in the operation of vehicles equipped with gas equipment.” Materials of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Problems and Ways to Solve Them” The conference is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Kazakh public and political figure, member of the Alash party, educator, linguist , literary critic, Turkologist, poet and translator Akhmet Baitursynov - Kostanay, 2022, 210 p. ISBN 978-601-7396-35-0

30 An article has been published on the topic “Prospects for the development of additive technologies” Innovative development of science and education [Electronic resource] / Nəşriyyat “Vüsət”, Scientific Publishing Center “World of Science”. - Electron. text. given (1.77 MB.). – Neftekamsk: Scientific Publishing Center “World of Science”, 2022.


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Student reviews

Mashanova Ayim | Department of Transport and Service
Mashanova Ayim Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur | Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine | Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine Department of Transport and Service
Bolat Zhalgas | Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Bolat Zhalgas Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Masko Victoria | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Masko Victoria Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Nabieva Madinabonu| Department of Standardization and Food Technology
Nabieva Madinabonu Department of Standardization and Food Technology