2010-2014. – Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynova
Specialty "Electric power engineering", having received a bachelor's qualification.
2015–2017 – awarded the degree of Master of Technical Sciences in specialty 6M071800 – “Electric power engineering”.
Academic work experience
2017-2020 Rudny Industrial Institute, lecturer at the Department of Electric Power and Thermal Power Engineering.
Since 2020 - senior lecturer at the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering at KINEU
Non-academic work experience
2014-2017 State Enterprise KTEK Boiler House No. 3 electrician for repairs and
electrical equipment maintenance
Disciplines taught
Zhanartylatyn energy kozderi
Energeticsalyk sayasat and ecology
Overvoltage and insulation in electrical installations
Electrical equipment
Awards and achievements
Master of Technical Sciences – 2017
Internships and academic mobility
05/11/2017 to 05/21/2017 Internship. Kazan State Technical University
List of scientific works
Hybrid electric power supply
Baitursynov readings: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Kostanay, 2014. - 188 p.
Selecting a method for calculating a synchronous generator for autonomous systems Collection of materials from a regional seminar aimed at forming and strengthening inter-ethnic tolerance
“Kazakhstandyktar – bolashagybirtutas ult” (Kostanay, October 27, 2016) p. 316-318
The effectiveness of using water injection when operating a tractor of traction class 1.4. Multidisciplinary scientific and production journal of KInEU, “Science” No. 2, June 2020
AӨK mechanicalandyru kuraldaryn autonomy korektendіru kozіndegі otpeli urdіsterdі teoriyalyk zertteu “3i Intelligence, idea, innovation” Akhmet Baitursynov atyndagy Kostanai memlekettic university. Kopsaly gylymi magazines. No. 2, 2017.
Use of a solar biogas plant in agriculture MULTI-DISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 2020
Kun elementin tiimdiligin arttyru adisterin taldau Bulletin of Technical Sciences (KSTU), No. 4 (December), 2020
Internet in Kazakhstan physics and literature by A. Baitursynov at the Kostanay University, Kostanay, Kazakhstan 2021.
Kun energy photovoltaics turlendiru principles A.Baitursynov atyndagy Kostanay Onirlik University, Kostanay k., Kazakhstan2021
Tөbenіk biikgi alta Asatin bөlmelertіninergiyani үnemeatin Zaryktandyyya. Bayrtyrsyn Atynday қirlik university, Сostanai қ қ., Kazakhstan 2019 year 2019
Bugіngі kүnі kүn energetics sonny zhay-kuyі zhәn kazakhstandandy dama prospects A.Baitursynov atyndagy Kostanai Onirlik University, Kostanay k., Kazakhstan2019 . INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE KINEU
Textbook “ELECTR MASHINALAR” ISBN 978-601-356-132-5 “National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2022