Educational program code: 6B11154
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Services in the educational program "6B11154 Tourism"
Form of training: full-time
Total credits: 240 academic credits.
Duration of training: 4 years.
Language of instruction: Russian, Kazakh.
The educational program "6B11154 Tourism" is a comprehensive course of study aimed at training specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality. The program includes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for a successful career in this field. The educational program "6B11154 Tourism" aims to provide students with all the necessary tools for a successful career in the tourism industry, as well as develop their professional and personal qualities necessary to work in this dynamic and competitive field.
Program Description
The educational program "6B11154 Tourism" has been developed on the basis of regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the Dublin Descriptors, consistent with the European Qualifications Framework and taking into account the recommendations of employers. The acquired knowledge and skills in the field of tourism and professional competencies enable bachelors of tourism to manage the processes of a tourist enterprise and organizations in the context of the formation of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan, study the tourist and recreational potential of our country and the foreign market of tourist services, introduce modern methods of tourist services and information technologies, improve the quality of links for tourist enterprises.
The educational program has a number of advantages:
- Acquisition of practical skills in the development and management of projects in the tourism industry using elements of digitalization.
- Acquisition of professional language skills and foreign experience in the field of tourism
- Obtaining professional skills in the field of Internet entrepreneurship
The educational program is aimed at training a broad specialist in the field of tourism, both in the region and in the country as a whole, through the formation of professional competencies related to the industry orientation of the region.
№ |
Наименование организации |
Адрес сайта |
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ТОО "Касарас" |
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КГУ "РЦФК "ДЮТ" Управления образования акимата Костанайской области |
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ТОО "Центр профессионального бухгалтера" |
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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ТОО "ПрофПартнеR" |
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ТОО "КВ Company" |
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ТОО "Reliable partner 2017" |
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Филиал ТОО "Стелл" |
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ТОО " Керей-87" |
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ТОО "ЛогиКаз" |
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ТОО "МСервис КСТ" |
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Костанайский областной историко-краеведческий музей |
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Руководитель ОО «Ассоциация туризма Костанайской области» - Шудренко Александра Юрьевна +7 707 399 39 74
Учредитель и руководитель «Центра образования и туризма BESTKZ» Капенова Гульмира Амангельдиевна +7 777 037 50 11
- Specialties
- - Computer technology and software
- - Standardization and Certification (by industry)
- - Technology of processing industries
- - Thermal Engineering
- - Automation and control
- - Mechanical engineering
- - Transport, transport equipment and technology
- - Electric Power Engineering
- - Logistics (by industry)
- - Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation
- - Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- - Robotic systems
- - Agronomy
- - Management
- - Accounting and Auditing
- - Finance
- - Economics