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Rector's office + 7 (7142) 28-01-59



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Management in sports

Management in sports

Education program code: 6В04148

Academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Business and Management

Form of study: full-time

The educational program 6B04148 “Management in sports” in the direction of education 6B041 “Business and Management” is developed taking into account the best international practices in this field, the requirements of employers to sports managers, considering the requirements of professional standards

Education of modern leaders and managers in the field of sports industry, capable of promoting the development of organizations in the chosen sport and promoting a healthy lifestyle remains one of the most popular in the field of business, management and law.

Educational program Description

The program focuses on the formation of key competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities) in the field of management of sports industry organizations. Graduates of the program, who have acquired new unique competencies in the field of management in sport, are always in demand. The students studying this educational program are ready to perform the role of managers of any level - from the head of a department, sector, working group to the director of a sports school; the head of a sports complex, fitness club, professional club, sports federation, sports facility or building to the chief manager of amateur and mass sports organizations.

Advantages of studying in the educational program “Management in sports” at KEnEU

Graduates of the educational program “Management in sports” get the knowledge and skills necessary to create their own business (or startup) in the sports industry, the acquired skills will contribute to the commercialization of projects and their further successful development in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Наименование организации

Адрес сайта


ТОО "Kaz Agro Trans Company"



ТОО "Касарас"



АО "Банк ЦентрКредит"



АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия" филиал УМГ г.Костанай






КГУ "РЦФК "ДЮТ" Управления образования акимата Костанайской области



ТОО "12 месяцев - Костанай"



ТОО "Центр профессионального бухгалтера"




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ТОО "ПрофПартнеR"



ТОО "КВ Company"



ТОО "Reliable partner 2017"



Филиал ТОО "Стелл"



РГУ "Департамент государственных доходов по Костанайской области"



ТОО " Керей-87"



ТОО "ЛогиКаз"



ТОО "МСервис КСТ"



Филиал НАО "Государственная корпорация "Правительство для граждан" по Костанайской области"



КГУ « Костанайская городская детско-юношеская спортивная школа» Управления физической  культуры и спорта акимата Костанайской области



   КГУ « Региональный центр физической культуры и дополнительного образования» Управления образования акимата  Костанайской области


Руководитель КГУ « Региональный центр физической культуры и дополнительного образования» Управления образования акимата Костанайской области- Бимурзин Куаныш Уахитович


Student reviews

Mashanova Ayim | Department of Transport and Service
Mashanova Ayim Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur | Department of Transport and Service
Yesirkepov Timur Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine | Department of Transport and Service
Tolegenova Jasmine Department of Transport and Service
Bolat Zhalgas | Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Bolat Zhalgas Department of Power Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Masko Victoria | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Masko Victoria Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Dauletnazarova Aruzhan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Salimzhan Ersultan Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya | Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Yarkova Evgeniya Department of Social and Economic Disciplines
Nabieva Madinabonu| Department of Standardization and Food Technology
Nabieva Madinabonu Department of Standardization and Food Technology